Scripture: John 15:5 (NIV)
Root Source
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Here Jesus is speaking to his disciples in the upper room; the closing moments before his betrayal in the Garden. In this chapter, Jesus gives his disciples some last thoughts. He starts by telling them they are "branches" that grow from "the vine". He is the source that brings them life; and there are serious repercussions if they do not remain in him.
As a Christian, it is important to realize the "root source" of my partnership with God. When I remain with Jesus, allowing him to be at the center of my life, I can do much fruit-bearing in the spiritual realm.
But the moment I step away from the life-giving relationship, I lose any and all gains for God's Kingdom, because apart from Jesus I can do absolutely NOTHING; which is a much different story than, "I can do all things <through Christ>"(Phil. 4:13). I sometimes forget to include that the source of my strength is not "will power" or "self-help" but "Christ's help" and "His power."
"Lord Jesus, I thank You that I can bear spiritual fruit for Your kingdom. Help me to remain in You, and keep You at the root of my ministry. I can do nothing without You. Amen."
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